Free workshop: Frozen shoulder workshop in Malvern, PA
Learn to Manage Your Frozen Shoulder Pain Without Medication, Shots or Surgery!
Oct 13, 2019
9:00 am to 10:00 am
To reserve a seat at this informative seminar, fill out the form below or call (610) 249-0001.
Are you tired of spending your valuable time sitting in doctors waiting room and in return getting,
- Prescription of drugs that only masks pain
- Advice to apply heat and stretch it out
- Injections that does not work best for you?

Supriya Mulik, PT
Are you frustrated with your doctor’s prescribed physical therapy place where you see a new therapist each day and receive only exercise therapy and a hot pack that does not work for you?
Then, you will be thankful for attending this workshop right here in Malvern, PA
You will learn:
- Shoulder ergonomics which helps to reduce pain and shoulder issues
- 3 simple exercises for frozen shoulder
- Better sleeping positions to get uninterrupted sleep thoughout the night
- How to reduce the chances of the occurrence/recurrence of frozen shoulder
- How to create a sustainable exercise program for you.
According to our experienced therapist, “Patients can experience significant improvement in range of motion within weeks and as joint heals pain naturally goes away and you do not need to take medication to mask pain.”
Join us to learn different options that can help you to get rid of your frozen shoulder or stay away from getting one.
Click the signup button below to reserve your seat or call (610) 249-0001.